Online Training: Learn How To Mitigate Stakeholder Reputation Risk (Online)

Stakeholder Reputation Risk is regarded worldwide as one of the most difficult risks to manage. Stakeholder Reputation Risk emerges when the reasonable expectations of stakeholders are not met.

To adequately understand this dynamic, delegates need a thorough grounding in understanding both Stakeholder Management and Reputation Risk Mitigation processes.

To create this training, I have combined key takeaways from my Stakeholder Reputation, Reputation Risk Management, and Crisis Management training masterclasses with the latest thinking from reputation risk management practices, strategic communication, risk management, ethics, community relations, marketing, stakeholder management, organizational behavior, sustainability, and corporate governance literature.

The online program is designed to show business leaders and managers how to establish an excellent reputation with; and maintain positive, mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders and minimize potential risk.

An Organisation’s reputation is derived from how stakeholders perceive the organization, its communication, and behavior in the markets in which it operates. Risk emerges when these perceptions and tools do not fulfill their reasonable expectations.

In order to effectively manage the interface between an organization and its stakeholders a number of issues and topics have to be taken care of, including:

– Understanding How and Why Reputation Risk emerge;
– Understanding how to profile stakeholders i.e. Who are our stakeholders and what do they want and need?
– Being clear on what we want from and need from our stakeholders;
– Understanding the strategies that need to be in place to mitigate risk and satisfy stakeholder needs and wants and create long-term collaborative relationships;
– Understanding the processes that need to be put in place to enable the execution of strategies and minimize risk;
– An understanding of the capabilities that need to be put in place to make these processes work;
– Understanding how to mitigate both reputation erosion and reputation risk events if and when they occur.

The workshop offers an integrated framework for managing stakeholder management relationships, as well as practical tools that can be used for developing and improving existing relationships, and mitigate potential reputation risks.

It is also important to take a look at my standard Stakeholder Reputation Management Training Course‘s outline and learning agenda as I incorporate and weave most of that information into this training.

Email me for more information and a registration form.

Reputation Question to Ask at Meetings

“Here’s a question to ask at meetings: What policies, systems, procedures, rules, regulations, actions and behavior are not consistent with our desired #reputation?”

The answers will provide lots of insights about gaps and vulnerabilities and potential for improvement.

Reputation on the Decline, International Surveys Show

Two interesting research studies results came out the past week. The Reputation Institute (RI), released the results of the World’s Most Reputable Companies 2018 survey, the company’s annual Global RepTrak® 100 (RT100) rankings. The 2018 RT100 is  the world’s largest corporate reputation study of its kind. The RT100 is based on more than 230,000 individual […]

Four Ways to Define Reputational Risk

Wikipedia defines reputational risk, often called reputation risk, as a risk of loss resulting from damages to a firm’s reputation, manifesting in lost revenue; increased operating, capital, or regulatory costs; or destruction of shareholder value, consequent to an adverse or potentially criminal event—even if the company is not found guilty. Adverse events typically associated with […]

Reputation Risk Never Ceases To Amaze

2017 - The Year of Reputation Shocks, Revelations and Impact in South Africa

The impact of Reputation Risk never ceases to amaze me. I have never seen so many politicians, government employees, executives, managers and just generally run of the mill people so hell bent on destroying their own reputation and names in South Africa. The utter destruction of carefully crafted institutional reputation by people focused on their […]

Deon Binneman presenting a Reputation Protection keynote at the BCI World Conference in London with the opening question: “Why is Reputation like a Burning Flame?”

More information

The BCI World 2017 was the world’s largest conference on Business Continuity.

I am proud to announce that I will deliver a keynote on How to Protect Reputation on Day 2 of the BCI World Conference and Exhibition 2017, 7th & 8th November 2017, Novotel London West, UK.

In my keynote, I will unpack for the audience not only WHY Reputation is a company’s most precious asset and most dangerous risk, but share some real lessons on WHY this asset must be protected at all cost.

The BCI World Conference & Exhibition is an absolute must-attend event for any Business Continuity or Resilience professional.

BCIWorld is organized by the Business Continuity Institute. Established in 1994, the BCI has established itself as the leading membership and certifying organization for Business Continuity professionals worldwide.

More Information

Check out what I bring to the table here.


Date: November 8, 2017
Time: 10.00 - 10.30 a,m.
Appearance: How to Protect Reputation Keynote in London
Outlet: Novotel London West Hotel
Location: London, UK
Format: Other

Protecting Reputation is the Most Important Element of Organizational Resilience: survey

Protecting reputation tops business leaders list of priorities, ahead of financial achievements and business leadership, according to the world’s first benchmark of organizational resilience published by BSI. The study found that reputation is seen as the most important element to the long term success of the business, even more than financial aspects, leadership and vision and […]

And the fallout of the Gupta saga continues – Disgraced Bell Pottinger booted out of industry guild

And the fallout of the Gupta saga continues – Disgraced Bell Pottinger firm booted out of the UK Public Relations and Communications Association. Bell Pottinger not only damaged the PR Industry’s #Reputation but it forced their hand – “Bell Pottinger has brought the PR [public relations] and communications industry into disrepute with its actions and […]

What is Stakeholder Reputation Risk?

What is Stakeholder Reputation Risk and why is it so dangerous? For the past few years, Reputation Risk has featured in all the prominent Risk surveys – always as one of the top risks facing an institution. One definition of Reputation Risk is that it is the current and prospective impact on earnings and capital […]